7 Foods You Can Consume Without The Blame

1. Arugula

Rich in folic acid and antioxidants to help fight free radical damage to cells; 2 cups of arugula contain ridiculous 10 calories.

2. Cucumber

The vegetable is abundant source of dietary fiber, minerals and antioxidants that help the full functioning of the intestines and keep the body properly hydrated. Because it is composed of a lot of water, its caloric value is practically null in an adult's daily diet.

3. Cauliflower

Salutary for the large amount of vitamins C it offers, cauliflower is even more nutritious when consumed raw. An amount of 100 grams of food contains up to 25 calories.

4. Tomatoes

Filled with important substances for the body - such as lycopene, potassium and vitamins A and C - tomatoes are perfect foods for any type of weight loss diet. Just to give you an idea: One serving of 100 grams accumulates harmless 18 calories.

5. Broccoli

Coming from western Europe and cultivated since the time of the Roman Empire, broccoli can be considered a stick to the whole work, since it helps since the prevention of different types of cancer and even in the gain of muscle mass. A small portion of the vegetable is not even 40 calories.

6. Melon

With 34 calories in a 100 gram serving, melon is a fruit enjoyed in many parts of the world. Besides being tasty, it is effective when it comes to protecting the immune system from opportunistic diseases.

7. Orange

Easily found in the fruit of Brazilian houses, orange is widely known to be a source of vitamin C. However, it can also be a great ally in your weight loss diet, after all 1 unit of fruit contains about 80 calories.