7 tips for those who need to change their lives but can't

We all have goals and objectives that we would like to achieve, but often we fail to do what is necessary to achieve the expected results. Sometimes we are too critical of ourselves and this keeps us from moving forward and making positive changes - the same goes for those with low self-esteem.

Fear of change and over-concern are factors that keep us from acting, and when that happens it is difficult to take the first step. If this sense of paralysis describes your situation at the moment, if you feel that you are stuck at the same point and cannot change your life, try to practice the following tips from Psychology Today:

1 - Place of the past is in the past

It is really hard to move forward and have a better future if your head is busy with things from the past. Did you make a mistake back there? Alright, everyone is wrong. What is not possible is to live brooding over what did not go as expected and blame yourself forever for it. Things do not always go the way we expect, and when there is no way to remedy the situation, the business is to accept and move on.

2 - You have to look at things differently

Leaving the past behind is the first step to being able to see the now in a different way and then to act and change. A good way to find opportunities at this stage is to meditate and spend time without anyone. If possible, take a short trip or find a way to pause your routine and distance yourself from your present moment. These small attitudes can help you see new points of view and understand that a better future is possible.

3 - Making small changes is necessary

When we change our lives in some way, our brains become more active and creative, and for that it takes little: it's worth changing your home décor to making other commute to work. Seeking to meet new people, new places, new flavors, and new possibilities is critical, as these transformations over time tend to make you achieve your goals and feel better.

4 - Find out what makes you feel alive

The tip here is not to summarize your life to your work. You may love a lot what you do for a day's bread and that's great, but you have to go further and wonder what makes your life worthwhile. In this sense, we talk about attitudes that provide a sense of personal satisfaction, such as when you do volunteer work and feel that you grow as a human being.

If your life does not seem to inspire you as an individual, you need to change and ask yourself what is missing. What makes you happy? What were the most fantastic things you have ever done in your life? What are the coolest things about your existence right now? When was the last time you really had fun? Who inspires you? What are you really good at?

5 - Believing in yourself is fundamental

If neither do you give yourself credit, why should other people? Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone or value your strengths or acknowledge your negatives. What matters here is knowing their many capabilities, even though behind them lies fear and insecurity.

To believe in oneself one must develop self-knowledge, and this happens through observation. It is worth noting here what your reactions are to certain situations and, from that, working on what can be improved: instead of saying “I can't”, prefer “I can't do it now, but I will learn to perform this task to handle it in the future. ” To improve your self-confidence, write down the things that have worked out in your life thanks to your effort - you will see that the list is longer than you thought.

6 - Do you know the hope? How about giving her a chance?

Disappointments and past mistakes can make a person no longer have hope for a better future, and this is quite dangerous. It gives us the motivation to lift our heads and take action to change, so it's essential not to let hope go away just because something didn't work out. Try to meditate, read, and pray (if you have spiritual faith) - these are attitudes that help put pessimism aside. Remember that hope is not permanent and that the search for it must be constant.

7 - You may need to ask for professional help, and there is nothing wrong with that

We are not always able to change negative patterns of thoughts and, consequently, attitudes. In such cases, when change seems impossible even after trying the previous tips, it is perfectly normal to seek psychological help to find ways to make the necessary changes. Asking for help is often the first step towards a more harmonious and positive change life.


Tips given, now tell us: Do you know another effective way to get out of stagnation and change your life? Tell us in the comments!