8 Celebrities Who Trolled Their Fans Hilariously

1. At Microsoft, the guy decided to take the picture with a sign, noting that none other than Bill Gates appeared in the background.


2. When a fan asks for an autograph on the shirt for The Rock, he pretends to write on the back of his head and head.


3. Obama trolled the sleeping kid


4. The restaurant had a "Liam Neeson eats here for free" sign until the actor himself appeared to eat


5. Beyonce said, "I make any face you make." And the result is great!


6. Tom Hanks was called in to take pictures with some drunk friends and obviously accepted


7. This girl printed a life-size photo of Dany DeVitto to be his date at the prom, so the actor decided to do the same.


8. Arnold Schwarzenegger pretended to be a wax statue of Terminator



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