Celebrate World Tourism Day with these 13 interesting curiosities

1 - Machu Picchu, as you may know, is among the most visited places in South America. Did you know that it has become fashionable to walk around naked in the past? Anyone caught visiting the “without handkerchief or document” monument is fined and may be deported and banned from visiting Peru again!

2 - Many do not know, but the Nazis came to command the world's largest tour operator in the 1930s, called KdF - Kraft durch Freude or Force for Joy in free translation. To give you an idea, the agency was founded in 1933 and by the year 1939 more than 25 million Germans had already taken a trip organized by it.

Tourist in Pisa


3 - If you have not realized yet, the Chinese are the largest revenue generators for the tourism industry on the planet.

4 - By the way, between 2006 and 2017, the tourism industry contributed about $ 8.3 trillion to the global economy.

Tourist cat


5 - All coins that are thrown daily by tourists at the Trevi Fountain in Rome are collected and donated to charitable organizations. By the way, do you know how much is collected on average every day? About 3 thousand euros - or the equivalent of just over R $ 14 thousand (according to the current price)!

6 - Las Vegas, USA, is the city with the most hotel rooms on the planet. However, the most expensive suite in the world is not there, no. Situated at the President Wilson Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland, her room costs a paltry $ 83.200 (according to information released in 2014).

7 - Still on hotel matters, the most stolen items by guests are towels, followed by the stacks of remote controls and chandeliers and lamps. Already the most overlooked items in the rooms, they are the cell phone chargers and clothes.


8 - However, the crowd also "forgets" things beyond strangers, such as urn containing human ash, human corpses, replicas of Disney princess dresses, car keys like Bentleys and Bugattis, mechanical leg collections, animals such as ponies, sharks, lizards, snakes ... there was even one occasion when a goat dressed as Abraham Lincoln was discovered forgotten in a suite!

Doggy at the airport


9 - Unfortunately, it is quite common for tourists to take pieces of ancient monuments to take them as "souvenirs" to their homes. To help solve the problem every night, Italian authorities scatter fragments of marble around the Pantheon in Rome so that they will be “stolen” by visitors the next day.

10 - Did you know that the US is home to one third of all airports in the world? The busiest in the world is also there in Atlanta, and in 2017 alone received almost 104 million passengers.

Airplane traveler


11 - Speaking in the USA, the longest flight in the world takes place between Dallas and Sydney, Australia, and lasts 16 hours. The route, by the way, covers no less than 13, 600 kilometers. It is far ...

12 - Which are the most visited countries in the world, according to the surveys, France is in first place, with 86.9 million visitors, followed by Spain, with 81.8 million, United States, with 75.9 million, China with 60.7 million, Italy with 58.3 million, Mexico with 39.3 million, United Kingdom with 37.7 million, Turkey with 37.6 million, Germany with 37.5 million, and Thailand, with 35.4 million. Brazil received close to 6.7 million tourists in 2017.

Dog in suitcase


13 - Studies have shown that travel can make us more creative, improve our problem-solving skills, reduce the risk of developing heart disease, significantly reduce stress levels, help alleviate the symptoms of depression, and make us happier!


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