8 Things The Happiest Countries On Earth Have In Common

In March this year, as we report here, the United Nations published the annual report on the happiness index of 155 nations around the world. Although Brazilians are known worldwide for their contagious joy, our country ended up occupying only 22nd place in the ranking.

Topping the list are countries from the Old Continent, such as Norway (1st), Denmark (2nd), Iceland (3rd), Switzerland (4th) and Finland (5th). They are not necessarily great economic powers, nor do they participate in major global decision-making, but they have similarities to each other that make them the perfect place for their citizens. Here are some of them:

1. Universal Health System

The top-ranked countries of the happiest in the world offer entirely free medical care to the entire population and the services offered are internationally recognized for their excellent quality.

A woman is in a room

2. Quality public education

In countries such as Denmark, Norway and Finland, higher education is completely free, and the population of undergraduate degree is guaranteed access to the main educational institutions.

A man arrive

3. Reconciliation of free time with work

Sweden, which ranked 10th in the report released by the United Nations, guarantees its inhabitants a balance between free time and working hours: there, on average, employees' weekly hours are 30 hours.

A group of people

4. Investment in future generations

With a good portion of its population aging, Norway has taken a drastic - but necessary - step to ensure its long-term economic equilibrium: all profits from oil extraction in the country will be invested in initiatives aimed at ensuring fiscal health. of future generations.

A group of people

5. High life expectancy

Sheltering an elderly population, while signaling the high human development of a nation, is also a major challenge for the rulers and for society as a whole. In the top-ranking nations, the quality of life of older people, as well as their mobility conditions in cities, are treated as state policies.

A group of people swimming

6. Gender Equality

The happiest countries in the world have the smallest gender pay gaps and virtually zero rates of domestic violence and harassment.

A group of people

7. The defense of human rights is natural

One of the categories evaluated by the UN when investigating a nation's happiness index is the freedom its people have to make choices. The first placed in the ranking were the pioneers in the world to approve the same-sex union before the Law, for example.

A woman standing on a beach

8. The Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to having an efficient health system, the happiest countries on the planet are known for the healthy lifestyle of their citizens. The habit of bicycling and food seasoned with herbs and spices rather than unnecessary salt and fat are some examples that make these happy nations also healthier.

One person walking