9 Random Facts For You To Broaden Your Knowledge In Useless Culture

1. Vegetarian Spider

You should know that spiders feed on insects that fall into your web, correct? That's the standard for almost 40 different spider species, but not one: Bagheera kiplingi is a tiny jumping spider found in Central America that has an almost exclusively herbivorous diet! That's right: it's the only vegetarian spider ever known.


2. Cinematic Pókemons

Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are legends of martial arts movies and inspired the names of two Pokemon: Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. So, following the same logic, fans tried unsuccessfully to find the source of inspiration for Hitmontop.


3. World's Largest Tire Manufacturer

In this regard, it has no one: the company that makes the most tires in the world is LEGO! There are over 300 million units a year, but of course, on a small scale, to be used in brand toys. Thus, it surpasses giants like Michelin and Goodyear.


4. Origin of the chainsaw

If you think the chainsaw came about to cut down trees, you are mistaken: the first prototype, created in 1830 by Bernard Hine, had the function of sawing bones! In the end, it was used for caesarean sections.


5. Chewing Gum Broccoli

McDonald's is accused of destroying the healthy diet of the crowd, but he has already tried to change this scenario: they once tried to produce chewing gum-like broccoli that did not dislike the child's taste buds. It was a resounding failure, as the children were confused by the taste.


6. The first oranges were not ... oranges

The fruit came from Southeast Asia and was a mix of tangerine and grapefruit, but instead of being orange as expected, it was green! To this day, this is a very common color in citrus fruits from places like Vietnam and Thailand.


7. Scotland and the snow

Here in Brazil we hardly see snow during the year, so we are not used to it. In Scotland, however, this is a constant reality. Thus, there are over 420 words related to snow, such as “sneesl” (something like “it will start to snow”), “feefle” (“snow swirl”) and “flinkdrinkin” (“small amount of snow”).


8. Bulletproof armadillos

If you think about killing an armadillo with one shot, change your mind: the animal's shell is bulletproof! In 2015, a man from Texas, USA, was hospitalized after shooting an animal and the bullet bouncing back in his face.


9. Fear of Big Words

The universe of phobias is really quite vast - have you ever heard of hippotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (thanks inventor of “Ctrl + C” and “Ctrl + V”)? This is the irrational fear of saying long or complicated words! It is curious that those who feel this problem cannot even say what their condition is, since such a "curse word" is difficult to memorize.



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