The model who decided to tell the truth behind her Instagram photos

You may never have heard of Australian model Essena O'Neill, but this 19-year-old has had such an interesting attitude that she is suddenly being talked about all over the world.

Owning a body considered to be in beauty standards, O'Neill started making money early on with her beauty, and that was even the rule for her Instagram account, where she published photos with clothing and other fashion products.

In the social network of happy images, O'Neill has an absurd following: 784, 000 so far. And it was there, on the same platform that popularized her image and fattened her bank account, that the model decided to stop and tell what's behind each picture of perfect, beautiful, happy and enviable girl.

Knowing the backstage of each image better than anyone, O'Neill even gave a name to his outburst: "Social Media Is Not Real Life." Basically, she deleted more than 2, 000 photos from her account and changed the caption of those left with the intention of revealing the unglamorous stories behind each portrait. Check out:

1 - 100 photos

Here the model explains that about 100 photos were taken so that, in one of them, she came out with a beautiful belly. That day she said she ate very little and shouted at her sister, who took the pictures.

2 - Acne

In this picture, O'Neill says he had used a lot of makeup to hide his pimples and was smiling just to look beautiful. She says that conditioning happiness with aesthetics is a way of stifling our potential on Earth.

3 - Happiness?

"The only thing that made me feel good that day was this picture, " said the model, who says that having a toned body is not everything in this life.

4 - Loneliness

“I didn't pay for the dress, I took countless photos trying to look pretty for Instagram, ” said O'Neill, who, despite this amazing photo, felt incredibly lonely.

5 - Business

Here she says she received $ 400 to post the photo with this dress, at a time that had 150, 000 followers. She explains that after half a million followers, many brands even pay $ 2, 000 per post.

O'Neill claims that this negotiation between famous people, models and brands is not wrong, but that people should know about these behind the scenes. “Stay tuned for what people promote, ask yourself 'what is their intention behind this photo?'” He encourages.

6 - Criticism

“Another picture taken purely to promote my 16-year-old body. That was all my identity. That was so limiting. It made me incredibly insecure. You have no idea. ”

7 - Council

“If you find yourself looking at the 'Instagram girls' and wishing your life were like theirs… Realize that you only see what they want. If they mark a brand, 99% of the time it gets paid. ”

She explains that there is nothing wrong with advertising a brand, but that advertising is empty. “There is no purpose in a forced smile, tiny clothes and receiving to look beautiful. We are the generation that is taught to consume and consume, without thinking where it all comes from and where it all goes. ”


In a video posted on her YouTube channel, the model explains that everything she has been doing is dedicated to the younger version of herself when she was just 12 years old. Having met and co-existed with men and women of her age, who also make a lot of money from this job, she said she got tired of it.

In the video, O'Neill says she recently came out with a much richer model than she, who had everything she wanted and didn't want and yet was extremely depressed. “I'm the girl who had it all, and having everything on social media means absolutely nothing to your real life, ” she says.

Tired of a routine that put her living to pose for Instagram photos, O'Neill says she no longer accepts to live a life based on likes and comments. The young woman, who now knows how things work, talks about her view of other models when she was 12 years old. Not considered pretty until then, O'Neill spent long periods admiring the happy lives of popular people on the Internet. Six years later, she realized that this "happiness" may be a photographic filter.

She takes advantage of the space to ask people to help her with financial donations, which has created a lot of controversy among netizens. According to the model, since she decided to drop her life based on social networks, she can no longer afford the rent.

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