Animation explains the 'magic' forces present in our universe

In the past, as scientists could not explain the invisible forces surrounding us - such as gravity, the earth's magnetic field, or the way our voices travel while talking on a cell phone, for example - they were attributed to a mystical power called of telekinesis.

However, as you can see in the animation above, thanks to Michael Faraday (or Magnetic Mike) and James Clerk Maxwell (or JC), who in the mid-1800s made one of the greatest discoveries of all time, today we know that these forces are triggered. by electromagnetic fields and not by some hidden magic present on our planet.

Magnetic Mike and JC

According to the video, Faraday was convinced that the force that caused the magnets to attract or repel metal objects had nothing to do with Earth's telekinesic powers, but with a physical “thing” that he called the field .

Maxwell, on the other hand, based on Faraday's idea of field, was able to demonstrate the existence of electricity and magnetism through mathematical calculations. JC was also the first to realize that light, in fact, is nothing more than an electromagnetic wave.

In this way, the two created the foundation for all 20th century physics with their incredible discoveries, as the idea of ​​magnetic fields helps us understand and explain the universe.

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Source: MinutePhysics