Bet on pineapple to improve digestion

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TodaEla has already shown in this article that pineapple can be an ally in the fight against localized fat. And for those who have been exaggerating some of the meals, the fruit offers another interesting benefit: it aids in digestion.

According to nutritionist Laís Sabrine de Oliveira, besides removing the feeling of discomfort after a heavy lunch or dinner, the food has other nutritional advantages. “It is a vitamin-rich antioxidant and has a compound called bromelain, which has the power to aid in protein digestion. That's why pineapple is said to be a potent aid in digestion, ”she explains.

Thinking of these benefits, some restaurants are already including fruit on the menu to be part of the main course or dessert. For those who do not know how to increase meals with pineapple, the owner of Figueira Restaurant (Blumenau - SC), Caio Fontenelle, suggests the recipe for grilled pineapple that also includes cinnamon, another potent friend of digestion. For him, the dish is ideal to be served at a barbecue or heavier meal.

grilled pineapple

Credit: Press Release - Figueira Restaurante


1 small unit of pineapple (preferably pearl type, which is sweeter)
4 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

Method of preparation:

Remove the pineapple peel and clean thoroughly by removing all "eyes". Cut the fruit in half lengthwise and then cut each half into three equal pieces, also lengthwise, into six long slices. If you prefer, you can remove the stalk from the middle. Mix sugar with cinnamon and wrap both sides of each slice. Place the pieces in a skillet or grill, letting the sugar brown and caramelize well. Turn them over so that the other side will also brown. Serve still hot.