Global Warming: Everest May Become (Even) More Challenging

(Image source: Reproduction / Wikipedia)

Asa Sherpa, a climber who has climbed Mount Everest an incredible 21 times, has declared that global warming can make climbing impractical. The reason for concern is the progressive melting of the mountain, which is leaving the rock exposed and can cause fatal slips for climbers.

Sherpa, who grew up at the bottom of the hill, said his base today is very different from what he remembers seeing as a child. Where snow and ice once existed, today you can see exposed soil and rocks.

According to the climber, these areas of exposed rock make climbing even more difficult, because where it was possible to use special shoes designed to walk on ice - crampons - today they can become a danger as they are extremely slippery. over the rock. In addition, the melt would also be leaving previously snow-covered cracks exposed, making the climb extremely risky.

About 2, 900 people have climbed the 9, 000-meter mountain, and most climbers venture to climb it between April and May, a time of year that offers a small window between spring and the monsoon.