“Fast and Furious” actor will come to São Paulo Fashion Week

Paul Walker at the designer winter campaign. Credit: Disclosure - Colcci

TodaEla recently reported that "Fast and Furious" actor Paul Walker is the new star of Colcci's campaigns. Beside him also posed angel Erin Heatherton and Brazilian Izabel Goulart and Thairine Garcia. The new team replaces two veterans of brand announcements, Ashton Kutcher and Alessandra Ambrosio.

The good news is that it will be possible to check closely the beauty of Colcci's new face. The actor has already confirmed his presence for São Paulo Fashion Week, which will take place between March 18 and 22. The parade will also feature the participation of Erin Heatherton.

The season will bring the news for autumn-winter and already follows the new Brazilian fashion calendar.