Playing, boy becomes a millionaire before age 10

Nowadays, you turn on your computer and five youtubers jump on your screen. Every hour, according to the MegaCurioso Institute of Improbable Statistics, 289 new youtubers start their channels on the video platform. And 11 out of 10 youtubers only think of one thing: millions! Be followers, views or money.

Ryan, just 6, has already reached that goal - well, actually, the views are already in the billions. The boy is the child star of Ryan Toys Review, where he plays with the latest news from the children's universe. The boy was eighth in the Forbes ranking of the highest paid youtubers of 2017, with an estimated income of $ 11 million - around $ 36 million.

Ryan's surname and the city where he lives remain secret so that he can lead a more normal life. Its rise on the video platform was meteoric: the first video was published in March 2015, and Ryan now has over 10 million followers, who have watched his videos over 16 BILLION times.

According to his mother, it was Ryan's own idea to create the channel after seeing other kids criticizing toys. As a result, they went to a store, bought a LEGO train set and recorded a video. The rest is history (and stuffed wallet).

The success was so great that her mother quit (at least for now) her chemistry teaching job to devote herself to Ryan's channel. However, she and her husband assume that they will only do so while the boy is having fun with the exhibition. If at any time he wants to abandon virtual stardom, parents will not object. For now, Ryan inspires several other kids wanting a spot in the jungle called YouTube.