Chinese city has exclusive sidewalk for those who are looking at the phone

The city of Xi'an, located in the north of China, has presented a curious news that should please its most addicted citizens using the smartphone on the street. This is an exclusive sidewalk for mobile phone users while walking, designed to prevent these people from disturbing the flow of pedestrians on conventional sidewalks and enjoying their mobile entertainment without the risk of hitting anyone.

The exclusive runway is 100 meters long and 80 centimeters wide and was created by the mall located opposite the sidewalk. To highlight its purpose, the track on Yanta Road is red and bears the image of a cell phone that reads “cellphones” below. On the rest of the sidewalk, the image indicates that mobile phones are prohibited while walking.

yanta road

Pedestrian-only sidewalk using mobile phone was opened in China.

The people of Xi'an expressed mixed opinions about the initiative. According to, while some found the idea interesting, others pointed out that the flow of people at that point is not so great as to justify this kind of exclusive track. The place is even near a vehicle exit.

This is not the first time that an exclusive track for mobile phone walkers has been launched in China. In 2014, something like this has already happened in Chongqing City and was also aimed at ensuring the safety of those who are looking at their cell phones and those who do not want to bump into a careless person.

Would something like this work here?


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Chinese city has exclusive sidewalk for those who are looking at the phone via TecMundo