Xing-Ling Cum: China has a whole street of fake shops

Imagine you go to China and decide to shop. Of course one of the first things that goes through your mind is that you will find fake products like these here. What you might not have expected was to come across counterfeit establishments - shops, restaurants, fast food chains, and the like.

Not only are the establishments fake, but there is an entire street just for them in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Instead of Starbucks we have SFFCCCKS - pronounce it if you can -; in place of Hugo Boss, Bgss; Zara turned Zare; H&M is now H&N. Check out some photos of these suspicious business outlets below:

1 - H&N and Zare

Image Source: Reproduction / gbtimes


Image Source: Reproduction / gbtimes

3 - The street

Image Source: Reproduction / gbtimes

4 - BGSS

Image Source: Reproduction / gbtimes