With just one image, we will try to guess your personality

Even if you're a layman in psychology, you've probably heard of the Rorschach Test. You may not know him by that name, but you do know what it is anyway: those images that actually look like stains on paper but that can reveal a lot about your personality.

This test was developed by Herman Rorschach in the late 1910s and began to be applied in the following decade. The idea of ​​this test is to show a meaningless image and make the viewer find in the unconscious meanings for the blur.

In today's video of Mega Curioso, Tips decided to play a little with these concepts and brought a new test based on those created by Rorschach to try to guess the personality of people. Can Tips find out which one is yours? Watch the video that opens this article and answer the question below:


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