PornHub Shows How Much Time Each Country Spends Accessing Porn Content

PornHub not only offers hosting for pornographic content of various kinds but also conducts a lot of very interesting research and studies. The site has already shown which browsers are most used by its web surfers, how people often access pornography and which are the favorite categories of users.

Another unusual PornHub survey has just been released and shows how much time people usually spend accessing your pages. The survey, entitled “Who lasts longest?” Shows the results separated by countries or cities, in addition to the average time for each region.

Green for the "slowest" and red for the "quicker".

Who lasts longer?

According to the map, regions whose color tends to green often spend more time accessing pornographic content. Regions with a predominance of red color, on the other hand, indicate places where people spend less time with this practice.

Western Sahara is the country that spends most time on adult content sites: an average of 16 minutes and 16 seconds. The highlight is China, whose population usually spends 14 minutes and 34 seconds on these sites. The average of our country came close to 8 minutes, lower than the countries like United States (10:17), United Kingdom (9:28) and Australia (9:59).

The map also allows a visualization of cities. In this scheme, São Paulo (8:23) and Rio de Janeiro (8:13) exceed the national average. The latest preview format provided by PornHub shows only US states, in which case Hawaii is most commonplace when it comes to accessing adult content sites.

So what did you think about this PornHub study? Want to consult the chart yourself? Then click on this link (don't worry, this part of the site is SFW - “safe for work”).

Via TecMundo