Check out 10 of the world's weirdest hotels

If you are one of those travelers who loves different and unusual things, you will enjoy browsing our list of some of the strangest hotels in the world. These are options for those who are ready to sleep on trees, in the woods, in a cave or even on a plane or concrete block. Check out the list!

1 - Emoya Luxury Hotel

Location: South Africa

How about staying luxuriously in a “slum”? Although the structures are very similar to “shacks”, make no mistake, as this is a luxury hotel.

2 - Schlafen im Weinfass

Location: Germany

This is an accommodation with rooms made with huge wine barrels. In addition to welcoming, private bathrooms, guests enjoy beautiful views of the vineyards in the iconic German Black Forest.

3 - V8 Hotel

Location: Germany

How about killing that childish urge and sleeping in beds inspired by Cadillacs, Herbie, the world's most famous Beetle or other stylish vintage car models? At V8 Hotel you can stay in colorful rooms, as if you were in Disney's drawings and movies. Not to mention that it is situated in front of the Mercedes factory.

4 - Ice Hotel

Location: Sweden

A superdifferent hotel that needs to be rebuilt annually, as in the summer it melts. Those who stay at Ice Hotel undoubtedly enjoy a unique experience, don't you think?

5 - Boeing 747

Location: Sweden

Imagine a hotel installed on a real plane. Boeing 747 is located at the entrance to Stockholm's Arlanda Airport and has 25 rooms. All are hostel-style except one, which is a luxury suite and is in the cockpit.

6 - The Mirrorcube

Location: Sweden

A hotel that is a mirrored cube. This is the proposal of The Mirrorcube, which has this geometric shape and only 4 cubic meters. Rooms are separate, and each hangs on the trees by ropes. On the outside they are mirrored aluminum, and inside they are super cozy. Ready to sleep there?

7 - Kolarbyn

Location: Sweden

A very primitive hotel, where there is no electricity or running water, since it is all natural there and almost without "modernity". The hotel is perfect for camping enthusiasts, as guests sleep in front of a crackling fireplace. It is worth the experience in one of the cabins offered.

8 - Kokopelli's Cave Bed and Breakfast

Location: United States

How about staying inside a cave? In this hotel, you are 85 meters above the La Plata River, sleeping in a 65 million-year-old cave-cave, carved into a sandstone formation. To stay, you will have to go down and climb some stairs. Enjoy the indoor mini waterfall!

9 - Das Park Hotel

Location: Germany

This is on the list of strange hotels for being made of concrete, rather three sewer pipes of 2 meters in diameter and 2.6 meters in length. Best of all, guests pay only as much as they think their stay is worth.

10 - Free Spirit Spheres

Location: Canada

Have you ever imagined staying in a capsule? Especially when it was built in the middle of nature, in a place with a lot of vegetation. The hotel offers 30 capsules on Qualicum Beach, all of which are in the trees. Just to get to the room is already a great adventure.


Sure, these hotels are weird, but they offer incredible accommodation and are worth checking out. Just don't forget to go prepared with a family-friendly travel insurance, as many offer accommodation in the midst of nature or in somewhat complicated locations. Do you know other strange hotels? Share with us in the comments!

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