Check out 5 benefits associated with our daily coffee!

1 - It can improve our brain performance.

(Pixabay / Master Tux)

As you may know, caffeine has a direct effect on the body, making us more alert, and its moderate consumption can help increase concentration and improve memory. However, researchers at the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain, found that when we add a little sugar to our coffee, the combination of glucose and caffeine can have an even more intense brain effect, improving its performance.

2 - It can help low blood pressure sufferers

(Pixabay / Mike Kunz)

Who has never had episodes of dizziness on very hot days or after spending many hours without eating properly? For a cup of coffee can be a holy medicine at such times, since caffeine has temporary action on the receptors involved in controlling blood pressure. Remember that drinking is not recommended for those who have tachycardia or suffer from hypertension.

3 - It can help reduce stress

(Pixabay / Elias Shariff Falla Mardini)

A study by an international team of researchers found that healthy coffee consumption can help us stay calm in worrying situations. The effect appears to be related to the action of caffeine on certain receptors responsible for triggering stress reactions - which in humans include mood swings and depression.

4 - It can reduce the risk of depression

(Pixabay / StockSnap)

We mentioned the effect of coffee consumption on depression in the previous item, right? More precisely, studies suggest that various components present in the drink - such as chlorogenic acid, nicotinic, quinolinic, tannic, pyrogallic and trigonelline - have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action that impact the risk of the condition arising.

5 - It can stimulate weight loss

(Unsplash / Nick Karvounis)

Have you heard of leptin? It is a hormone produced by fat cells and is involved in various functions in the body such as reproduction, healing, immunity and controlling food intake, as it is the leptin that tells the brain that fat stores. they are at acceptable levels and, therefore, it acts to reduce appetite. Lack of this substance can cause cells to store more fat - and moderate coffee consumption can increase hormone levels and promote weight loss.

* Although coffee consumption has a number of benefits, it is very important to limit caffeine intake to 400 milligrams a day to prevent the “medicine” from becoming harmful!