Check out 5 theories about the origin of life

Everyone knows that the origin of life is made up of mysteries, hypotheses and discoveries. Involving beliefs, religions and science, this is one of the most controversial, unanswered topics that underlie the studies of the world's great researchers.

Amid so many theories, they all share a common concept: Earth began to be inhabited more than 3 billion years ago by microbes.

Biologists are doing a great job of showing how living organisms work, but they still can't answer many life-related questions and how it may have evolved through a virtually uninhabited world. How have inorganic molecules become living organisms capable of growth and evolution?

To be sure, this is one of the most fascinating and complex issues we can discuss today. To try to understand a little better about the topic, let's know some theories!

1. Theory of the seas

Have you ever wondered if life was started in an aquatic environment? Yes, the theory that life arose in the seas indicates that it may all have started from hydrothermal vents - one of the largest biodiversity zones on Earth - that do not require sunlight and photosynthesis.

The sources would have expelled hydrogen-rich molecules, keeping them concentrated in a single environment, favoring the catalyst minerals. To this day, this environment cultivates a grand ecosystem.

2. Beginnings on the ice

When the sun was not warming the earth as much as it is today, ice may have dominated the oceans. Have you ever imagined going to the beach with friends when you come across the frozen sea? This is hard, right?

The ice sheet possibly formed in the ocean 3 billion years ago may have protected some fragile organic compounds from ultraviolet rays. In fact, cold may have been one of the key factors in helping molecules survive longer, allowing them to proliferate.

The theory has been refined over the years by scientists such as Stanley Miller and the molecular biologist at Albert Einstein University of Medicine in New York, Matthew Levy.

3. Panspermia

Conceived by Anaxagoras in the 5th century BC in Greece, Panspermia is one of the hypotheses that life was brought to earth by meteorites, asteroids and planetoids.

The theory proposes that life can survive the adverse effects of space; like the extremophilic bacteria (organisms that can survive extreme geochemical conditions) that can get stuck in materials to travel for a long time until they collide with other planets.

You remember the Spider-Man comic Venom, yes symbiosis can be an extremophile bacterium, why not? After all, she survives any condition.

When these extremophilic bacteria can adapt to conditions on other planets, life begins! They will be able to initiate the process of proliferation and evolution. The concept of Panspermia also relates that life on other planets is possible - are we all descended from extraterrestrial beings?

4. Sparks of life

A famous experiment by scientists Miller and Urey at the University of Chicago in 1953 may indicate the beginning of life on Earth. The experiment consisted in simulating the primitive conditions of 3 billion years.

To carry out the whole process it was necessary to have a closed container with a balloon containing water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen and electric discharges. After a time of exposure to sparks, some organic compounds emerged within the sealed environment, including amino acids and sugars.

It seems that the warm, humid climate of the Earth at that time may have been essential in creating the basic compounds needed for life.

5. Origin of life and clay

Do you know the clay you used to shoot your friend in Art Education classes at school? So she may have been responsible for early life. According to an idea developed by chemist Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith of the University of Glasgow in Scotland, the theory shows that clay can adsorb organic compounds, acting as a catalyst and protector of reactions - even shielding from radiation.

In some mythologies such as the Greek of Prometheus and Athena, it is common to find references that life was created through a clay mold.

Theories, many theories

Of course, we cite just a few scientific theories about the origins of life. Many doubts still inhabit our heads, but one thing is certain: this subject will never fail to yield doubts, mysteries and discussions. With diverse concepts between science and religion, the truth is that each one believes in what suits him and the way our species has come here.

* Originally posted on 24/01/2014 .


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