See the process of cell division happening before your eyes.

Have you ever watched the cell division process? This fascinating mechanism, as you may recall from biology classes, is part of the cell cycle and consists of a succession of complex stages and phases in which an initial cell basically reproduces to form daughter cells - resulting in the development of living things. .

In the following video, posted on YouTube by Francis Chee Films, you can see this amazing process unfolding before your very eyes. According to the information accompanying the material, the images show an “egg” (zygote) that will give rise to a tadpole that, if all goes well, will develop into a frog. Check out:

According to Francis, the above video was captured over approximately 33 hours, and he used a specially modified microscope to allow this type of footage to be taken. Also, if you were curious, Francis used the zygote of a Rana temporaria frog, native to Europe and northwest Asia.