Check out how astronauts do to drink their holy coffee every day

If you're not one of the lucky ones who have a coffee machine at home, your routine for a good time to wake up is: go to the kitchen, bring the water to a boil and then add that wonderful little magic powder that ensures the energy to face the day to day.

However, who is in space? How do you drink coffee in zero gravity? Well, they have a slightly more advanced machine than we have here on Earth. In the following video, ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Tim Peake shows that when he needs caffeine circulating around the body, he goes to the pantry and grabs a vacuum-sealed "bag" that looks like aluminum in which The label states: “Coffee with cream and sugar substitute”.

Then it attaches the object to the huge machine that begins to fill it with hot water. Then just put a straw and you're done! Delight, no? Okay, it doesn't really look good, let's stick with the good old Terran way of making coffee. Thank you, ESA.

However, for those discerning astronauts with their hot drinks, there is ISSpresso (a joke named International Space Station and espresso). A machine that, as its name suggests, makes an authentic Italian espresso - according to the inventor of the invention, Lavazza. Well, it sure sounds better than "sugar substitute."

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Via TecMundo .