5 situations faced by women born with 2 vaginas

When a woman is born with two vaginas, she will surely face some atypical situations. The Cracked team talked to two women who were born with two vaginas and they revealed some curiosities about this condition. Check it out below:

1 - It's hard to detect

If you were born a woman, you may have two vaginas and you don't even know it. The truth is that it is not always that easy, visually speaking, to realize that a woman has two vaginas: “When I was 11, I was traveling and menstruating for the first time and was having problems. I tried to buy tampons, but not even the inmates were working. So I asked my grandmother if I could have two vaginas, and she said 'oh that's impossible, don't worry'. I got health insurance when I was about 19 and my first exam. I asked the nurse the same thing, confidentially, and she said, 'Oh sure, it's totally possible. I'll talk to the doctor. ' They took the exam and I have it, ”said the interviewee, who preferred to be called Kelsey.

According to the publication, it is possible for a woman to spend a lifetime without knowing that she has two vaginas. Some cases are detected only when the woman is pregnant or dying and an autopsy needs to be performed.

Kelsey explains that her vagina looks normal and that there is a small piece of skin that separates one vaginal entry from the other: “The outside is normal, and the inside is duplicated. So I have only one clitoris, unfortunately, ”she says. If you think the case of Kelsey is extremely rare, be aware that this is not the case: one in 200 women is estimated to have some variation in shape in the vaginal region.

2 - Is it possible to get pregnant twice from two different men?

As soon as Kelsey discovered she had two vaginal openings, she underwent more detailed gynecological examinations, and doctors found that she has a uterus separated by a septum, meaning that the organ is divided into two parts, one for each opening.

This feature is actually a variation of Kelsey's condition, and in medicine it's called the didelfo uterus - the illustration you see below shows the possible variations in uterine formation.

Carly, who is another woman who spoke to the Cracked team and also has a double vaginal opening, says she discovered her condition when she was 17 years old. At the time, the gynecologist who attended her revealed that she had "two in-house baby factories."

Since both wombs are functional, as is the case with Carly, each can carry a different fetus. And these babies can be formed at different times - imagine the size of the problem! - and of course they may be from different parents as well, even if such a situation is quite rare.

3 - Sperm get confused halfway

"My doctor told me that I'm less likely to get pregnant because 'sperm are stupid, '" Carly said. She explains that when male reproductive cells reach the septum area, which is the structure that separates one uterus from another, they become confused and do not know what to do.

In addition to this lack of sperm guidance, even if Carly gets pregnant, pregnancy is likely to be at risk: “When I decide to have children, I will have to have a caesarean section. My cervix won't open wide enough, ”he explains.

Because the uterus is split in two, in Carly's case, it is possible for a uterine rupture to occur, which can be a very problematic complication. “The upper portion of the uterus separates before the baby is ready to leave, ” explains the publication. Because of this, Carly may have miscarriages or premature births if she becomes pregnant in the future.

4 - Does having two vaginas mean menstruating twice?

It's not a rule, but having two vaginal channels and two uteri can mean that a woman will have double menstruation as well - Carly who says, “I was menstruating twice a month. And that was crap, but the worst part was trying to use a tampon. My mom said 'just put it on!' and it hurt too much because I kept hurting the septum. Eventually I figured out how to put the tampon in each opening, but how do you explain it to people? ”

For Kelsey, the menstrual cycle is also duplicated. In her case, the intervals between one period and the next vary from one week to months: “I was very afraid of ending up on the 'I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant' program. Unpredictability is the worst part, ”she explains by saying that she can go on for a year without menstruating and suddenly menstruating twice within just a few weeks.

In addition to having to use two tampons together from time to time, both Carly and Kelsey face doubly painful menstrual cramps. Carly says the pains are so severe that traditional remedies don't solve the problem - for her, the only thing that reduces the intensity of cramps is marijuana.

5 - Difficulties in love and personal life

As you might imagine, having a duplicate vagina can be a difficulty in the sex and love life of these women. Kelsey, for example, can't take birth control pills for other reasons, and because of her duplicate vagina, she can't use intrauterine devices either - unless they're made specifically for her.

Because of these issues, Kelsey always needs to talk about his condition before having sex, which scares some guys. “One person asked me if it was like having three-way sex with just one person, ” she said of the bizarre things she heard at the time. In addition, Kelsey says she feels pain when the man hits one of the specific openings, which is malformed and therefore not suitable for penetration.

Carly is married and hopes she doesn't have to go through the trouble of explaining her condition to different guys again. Still, both she and Kelsey end up having to answer completely absurd questions from people who, for some reason, have learned of their conditions.

Kelsey says a friend once remarked, in a singing attempt, that she could "handle" ten penises at the same time. "Another common question is, 'If we had threesomes, would you get pregnant with both of us?' And I'm like ... 'Why would I want to have threesomes, especially with you?'" According to her, these male attempts at seduction are actually frightening.

Women are not far behind either: "Many ask if they can touch my vaginas, " which, according to Kelsey, is an over-the-top attitude - you know, isn't it?

Carly reveals that the most inconvenient questions she hears when a new person knows she has two vaginas and two wombs are from people who think, for some reason, that she ate a brother or sister while she was in her mother's womb. In this sense, it is noteworthy that neither the vaginal septum nor the didelfo uterus are caused by intrauterine cannibalism, of course.