Check out music with real special effects that will drive you crazy

Have you heard about cymatics? According to the people at the Epoch Times portal, this is an area of ​​science dedicated to studying the patterns that form through the interaction of sound waves with a medium. Basically, cymatics refers to the materialization of sound, the visualization of sound frequencies. Did you find the idea of ​​the sound becoming visible a little confusing? So take a look at the following video:

The video you just watched was created by Nigel John Stanford, and the special effects we see throughout the movie were created to demonstrate the effects of cyme frequencies on matter. According to the information available on Nigel's YouTube channel, all the portrayed experiments are real, but, curiously, the song was only created after the recording of the scenes was completed.

By the way, Nigel reveals how some of the effects were created at the very end of the video, but you can access this link if you are interested in checking out a super detailed “ behind the scenes ” showing how the video was produced. So, dear reader, what did you think?