Learn the history of the battleship that would have been teleported in 1943

Unsurprisingly, both the Navy and the United States Army conduct a variety of experiments, many aimed at finding military applicability to the latest technologies, as well as scientific theories and discoveries. However, as you may have already deduced, the vast majority of these studies are considered Top Secret.

However, from time to time, these military secrets end up leaking - and circulating around the world thanks to the gang dedicated to creating and disseminating the most fantastic conspiracy theories - into true myths. And one of those myths would be the Philadelphia Experiment, whose story, as you are about to check out, involves a good deal of science fiction, fact, much speculation and madness. Prepared?


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According to reports, the Philadelphia Experiment was conducted in October 1948 by the US Navy, led by a scientist named Franklin Reno. The test consisted of applying Albert Einstein's Unified Field theory, and aimed to demonstrate the interaction between gravity and electromagnetic radiation. The intention of the scientists was to apply the theory to be able to bend light around an object and thus make it invisible.

According to legend - and alleged witnesses - the experiment was carried out with the USS Eldridge warship, and scientists reportedly managed to have the ship dematerialized and teleported from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Norfolk, Virginia, and brought back with all the crew still on board. The event would have taken just a few minutes, when the actual distance between the two cities takes about 24 hours to cover.

For this, the scientists would have wrapped the destroyer with huge cables through which a very high voltage ran, which would "scramble" the magnetic identity of the ship. The entire operation involved the participation of military and civilian vessels, meaning that there were many witnesses following the experiment.

Side effects

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People on both sides of the experiment - Philadelphia and Norfolk - claim to have seen the ship disappear and reappear before their eyes, and testimonials have even been published in a local newspaper. Observers in Norfolk reported that suddenly a huge destroyer emerged out of nowhere encased in a kind of circular green mist, remaining in place for a few minutes before disappearing again.

Those in Philadelphia saw the huge ship disappear into the sea and reappear a little later. The problem, however, is that the experiment would have resulted in some bizarre side effects, which is why the US Navy decided to shelve the project three years after the alleged test.

Apparently members of the crew aboard the USS Eldridge during the experiment - who allegedly disappeared and reappeared with the vessel - would have gone mad, and there are reports of sailors suddenly becoming invisible or crossing walls, disappearing into the air. ever.

Conspiracy theories

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Like every good story worth its salt, in addition to many contradictions, the one involved in the supposed experiment has all the elements necessary for a good conspiracy theory. The US Navy, for example, denies that the tests have taken place, claiming that applying Einstein's theory is totally unfeasible.

On the other hand, in 1943, it seems that the US military has indeed been playing around with the idea of ​​making vessels and torpedoes invisible to enemy radar, and there are witnesses that reinforce this claim. However, sailors who would be at the USS Eldridge during the test were interviewed in the late 1990s, saying the ship had never been to Philadelphia, and it was all a curious fable.

Obviously, all of this only serves to fuel the imagination of the conspirators on duty, who claim that such accounts are part of military-designed strategies to cover up what really happened.


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Some even believe that the technology applied during the test was alien, and that the US Navy would be working in partnership with extraterrestrial beings. Since then, several books - fictional and investigative - about the Philadelphia Experiment have been published, documentaries produced and even a movie released, all of which would be based on the (distorted) account of Edward Dudgeon, one of the sailors who would have participated in the experiment.

According to Dudgeon, the test did happen, but apart from spectacular electromagnetic storms, nothing out of the ordinary happened that day. In addition, he would be one of the crew members who became “suddenly invisible” to witnesses, and this occurred when, during a bar fight, Dudgeon and another sailor were discreetly evicted from the scene.

As for the disappearance of the USS Eldridge, Dudgeon says that the ship sailed from Philadelphia to Norfolk at night and was back in the morning, but since the journey usually took a long time for the unsuspecting, such a quick return was unthinkable. However, instead of teleporting the vessel, the navy would have used a special, little-known channel, shortening travel time to just six hours.


And you, reader, what do you think of this story? Have you heard about the Philadelphia Experiment? Do you believe that the test really may have happened or do you think it is all speculation? Be sure to tell us in the comments.

* Originally posted 02/10/2013.