Against theft, Google equips bikes on campus with GPS

Google's Mountain View campus in the United States is gigantic, but the company offers thousands of free bikes for employees to move between buildings. The problem is that about 250 bicycles simply add up every week at the web giant's headquarters, which has decided to act to prevent so many losses.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, Google has been equipping its skinny with GPS trackers to find out where they are. So far, the company reveals, a third of them have already won the new item, which shows that their users even take them far away.

While many bicycles circulate around Mountain View, used by employees who eventually go home with them, using as a kind of “extra Google” community transport, other units have been located far away, such as Mexico and Alaska.

Besides the use of trackers, another measure of the company is to equip vehicles with smart locks that are opened only by its employees through the smartphone. In short, Google seems to be getting real that people can't always make healthy use of what's available for free and for everyone.

Against theft, Google equips bikes from its campus with GPS via TecMundo