Discover 7 of the most dangerous islands of all time

Suddenly you find yourself in one of those tense, tiring moments, full of evidence, jobs, tasks, problems and pending issues. Chances are, in a fatigue situation, your head can only think of the good things you could do, such as living on that island away from everything and everyone, for example.

But before you board your imaginary boat, it's always good to know which islands should be out of your plans, after all you might get on some of them - remember Lost?

Queimada Grande island

Image Source: Playback / Travel Here

This place is only good for snakes lovers. The island, which is on the coast of São Paulo, is inhabited by the dreaded jararaca-ilhoa, a yellowish snake with black spots that can often remain camouflaged among leaves. To give you a better idea, know that it is estimated that there are five snakes per square meter in this location. So, how about a little visit?


Image Source: Playback / Wharf

Here the danger is not to be bitten by a poisonous snake, but the idea of ​​being near a Japanese volcano, Oyama, considered to be simply the most active in the world. That is: better not to check closely. This island is part of an archipelago where some people live, who live in constant alert, always with masks, because the volcano is known to release extremely toxic gases.

Saba Island

Image Source: Playback / All

The region is very charming, is located in the Netherlands Antilles and has just over one thousand inhabitants. The scenery would be amazing if it were not for a small detail: this region is considered to be the one that receives the most hurricanes in the world, with strong storms and winds reaching 250 km / h.

Bikini Atoll

Image Source: Reproduction / Sohu

Although it seems like a paradise scenario, this island was used a few decades ago as a place to experiment with nuclear weapons. The set of islands was only considered appropriate for visitation in 1997, but still many people are afraid to go there.

Gruinard Island

Image Source: Reproduction / MountainandSeaScotland

Also used for testing, but in this case with biological weapons. The islet, which is in Scotland, served for the British government to test the power of substances such as anthrax. It took super-strong chemicals and plenty of time to be considered hazardous in the mid-1980s.

Farallon Islands

Image Source: Playback / TheDude

Located near San Francisco in the US, this island has long been used as a radioactive waste dump - nearly 50, 000 barrels of waste have been dumped there between the 1940s and 1970s.

Ramree Island

Image Source: Reproduction / Kaliteliresimler

Only visit this place if the last thing you want to do in your life is to feed crocodiles. During World War II, some Japanese soldiers decided to hide in place and about 400 of them died devoured by these animals. The case was recorded in the Book of Records as the greatest tragedy suffered by men and caused by animals. So, would you risk it?

* Originally posted on 27/06/2013.


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