From birth to 1 year of life: Discover how babies see the world

As we explained in a previous article here from Mega Curioso - which you can check through this link - all babies are born colorblind. In fact, no one is born with a fully developed sense of sight, and our eyes will only reach visual maturity when we are almost two years old.

According to Edith Hancock of Business Insider, from the moment babies are born and open their eyes for the first time, the visual cortex begins to learn how to process all the visual information that arrives in the brain. And it takes the body some time to learn how to handle the flood of stimuli it receives. Check out the following image as visual development evolves in the first 12 months of life:

See how vision evolves in the first 12 months of life

As you just saw above, children will only be able to see their parents' faces after 3 months of age and, little by little, the brain learns to deal with stimuli and the world comes into focus. Interesting, isn't it?