Company creates unusual champagne bottles

Credit: Disclosure - ZARB

When Zarb came up in 2009, it aimed to create a champagne that escaped the traditional. The intention already appears even in the name which, in free translation, is French slang meaning "bizarre". And such a product needs to be differentiated already by the packaging.

With that in mind, the company called a team of Dutch designers to create unusual bottles for its product. From the idea came very creative and fun packaging, such as the one that supports the camera, or those that became a fire extinguisher or even a toy gun.

According to the Dezeen website, the special line was attended by recognized professionals such as photographers David Shale and Zena Holloway, who specialize in marine images and underwater clicks.

In addition to the fun packaging, some bottles move the senses more, since they have prints of lips, navel and mermaids under the sea.

Those who like the concept may still have the opportunity to buy their drink. The brand, which is present in countries such as Belgium, France and the United States, still have some units of the collection in its webstore, each costing 33 euros.

For fun with the bizarre packaging already created by the brand, check out the gallery: