This is definitely the simplest tip to lose weight.

If losing weight is one of your goals, be smart: you may need to go to sleep early. Metro recently reported the results of a survey that concluded some interesting relationships between our eating and sleeping habits.

People who tend to go to bed after 11 pm are the most likely to succumb to the pleasures of unhealthy food and alcohol. In numbers, it can be said that those who sleep late consume an average of 220 more calories per day compared to people who sleep early. It may seem little, but if you consider that number in the long run, we already have the reason for those extra pounds that have magically accumulated over the past year.

The Danger of Night Snacks

This information was provided by the Jawbone fitness app, which analyzed data from thousands of users. Basically, the app has a sleep and physical activity meter - plus each user fills out a form with details about eating and drinking.

For Jawbone's Kristin Aschbacher, this survey only confirms the suspicion that when we stay up too late, we tend to choose snacks with more sugar and fat. Maybe this is a topic you should start thinking about if you want to eliminate a few pounds, huh. In terms of well-being, sleeping early and long enough is the best choice.

It is also worth remembering that losing weight is a health issue and therefore the best thing to do is to have the help of an endocrinologist, a nutritionist and of course some physical activity.

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