This love story is the kind that deserves to be shared.

Today in the newsroom of Mega Curioso we receive a suggestion from a reader who knows that we are interested in sharing stories of love and resilience, after all we are human beings and to know examples of growth and resilience is fundamental to learn to grow and to have resilience too.

The suggestion we received is actually a photo shoot that shows the love and partnership of a young couple: she, Karine de Souza, 28, and her boyfriend Edmilson, 23, from CearĂ¡.

Karine was diagnosed with a rare dermatological condition called xeroderma pigmentosum, which has no cure and causes depigmentation and skin lesions on the person who comes in contact with ultraviolet light. In Karine's case, the disease left marks and injuries all over her body, which would be reason enough for her to have self-esteem problems and even avoid having contact with other people.

Fortunately, Karine has so much willpower that she continues to live her life normally, and in her essay by Daniel Panisson, she shows that everything is going well, even in her love life. Edmilson, her boyfriend, shows us that love goes far beyond appearance, and solidifies even when we fall in love with a person's personality and what it represents. Here's some of the photos from this really exciting essay:


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