These photos will make you understand that older people are amazing

For some time the amazing journalist Eliane Brum wrote in her old column in the era about the politicized nomenclature for the old. According to her, the word "old" is ideal, and "old" or "better age" are too polite ways to talk about who already has good years of life. Eliane's reflection came with the intention of saying, once and for all, that aging is natural.

Old people are not incapable, they are not children, they are not poor people. Old people are just people who have been alive longer than those who are young. The health of some requires greater attention, it is true, but who should not worry about their own health?

Fantástico started a series last Sunday that shows the relationship of some young people with older people. The kids, as absurd as it sounds, are almost afraid of who is old, has white hair and is past 80. The truth is that having an old friend, but really old, is one of the most amazing experiences that anyone may have.

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If you notice, old people no longer bother to wear brand-new or fashionable shoes and clothes. Unlike girls who suffer in their high heels, senior ladies parade in their comfortable sandals and sneakers. Smiling, always.

Old people are in no hurry - notice - they walk, eat, talk and do the simplest chores every day very calmly. Maybe that's why you rarely encounter any stressed out old men. They take care of food and almost never eat too much candy. They have fun with the silly problems that create the minds of the young and want more to enjoy life, whether in the company of their children, grandchildren or friends.

The sad old man does exist, and he is the one abandoned, forgotten, left behind, locked up at home or dumped in an asylum. If we take good care of our old people, we will learn valuable things from them. And if you still doubt the energy of these superintelligent beings, check out Vice's essay on old men in Romania, and see if it's time for you to change your views on seniors a bit:

1 - Davies, 74 years old

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He loves to ride a bike and thinks that snowboard goggles protect more in the event of a possible accident.

2 - John, 78 years old

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She poses with a sock on her head and recalls that as a child she wanted to rob a store and also used the sock to hide her face. The robbery never happened.

3 - Lia, 96 years old

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He likes to work in his garden, so he chose the big hat as an ally.

4 - Elena, 68 years old

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The rheumatism paralyzed her hands, but she didn't bother much. In love with metal, the position of the fingers matches your taste in music.

5 - Jenel, 83 years old

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His hobby is solving magic cubes.

6 - Otilia, 85 years old

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She is in love with this plasma lamp.

7 - Maria, 73 years old, and Steliana, 77 years old

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They play cards every day, betting money or trinkets. Masks are so that one does not see the expressions of the other.

8 - Calin, 65 years old

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The cervical collar is necessary because of an accident you have recently suffered. But nothing keeps him from running around and having fun with his water pistol.

9 - Doina, 73

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There were few men and few women Doina became interested in during her life. She says, however, that there are still interesting people out there.