This stunning video will take you on a trip around the moon.

Have you ever wished you could travel through space and take a walk around the moon? Unfortunately, this is a privilege few have had - and few will have when the first commercial spaceflights finally launch. However, you can certainly kill a little of your desire to glimpse a series of lunar landscapes with the beautiful video you can watch below. So relax, turn on the sound, put it in full screen and enjoy the ride!


According to Aeon, the stunning video was produced by NASA's Ernie Wright, in partnership with Wade Sisler, to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the US space agency on July 29. The video was created from images obtained through the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft, which has been on mission since 2009.

In fact, the film follows the sun's rays as they lighten and caress the lunar surface - and takes us on a brief satellite tour to the sound of Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune (or Moonlight in French) song, written in 1905. Breathtaking, don't you agree?


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