They are saying around that NASA tried to change the signs of the zodiac

As you know, astronomy and astrology are completely different things, and NASA, while dedicated to keeping an eye on the stars, definitely has absolutely nothing to do with astrological predictions. However, the space agency was embroiled in huge confusion this week - as rumors began to circulate that it had decided to reshape the zodiac signs after 3, 000 years of its creation. Yeah...

One thing is one thing, another thing is another thing!

Still according to the rumors, the NASA update would have generated a zodiacal twist and resulted in the exchange of 86% of the world's population for signs. Now imagine what this information meant to people who routinely consult their horoscopes! However, how, after all, did the most respected US space agency get involved in this quiproquó?

Millennial Origin

NASA runs an educational site called Space Place - which is superlegal and we at Mega Curious often visit to check out stellar information! - and in one of its posts, the space agency explained the origin of the zodiac signs. According to the publication, it all started about 3, 000 years ago, with the Babylonians, who were great observers and followed the movement of constellations throughout the year.

The Babylonians started inventing this zodiac talk 3, 000 years ago

For these ancient people began to associate certain events here on Earth and some behaviors with variations in the placement of stars. And since the Babylonians were already using a 12-month calendar - created from the phases of the moon - they then created a circle of 12 constellations, based on the path the sun travels along an imaginary celestial sphere in the world. over a year.

The circle - the famous zodiac - was divided into 12 “slices”, each of which was assigned to one month of the year. In addition, the Babylonians conferred a constellation (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius) for each of the divisions, and that was how that beautiful, full-fledged representation was born. signs that everyone knows. Regardless of...

Zodiacal Clarifications

NASA also explained that, indeed, the Babylonians were aware of the existence of the 13th constellation in the zodiac, that of Ophiuchus. However, as they only had 12 months a year to distribute all the constellations, they decided to specifically leave this constellation out of the circle. The reason? You know ... Maybe the Babylonians didn't like her shape or her name very much, but it seems that the choice was really random.

The Babylonians had to adapt a few things for the circle to work.

The fact is, according to NASA, the constellations come in different sizes and shapes, which means that the sun spends different periods of time over each one. To give you an idea, the Sun stays 45 days over the Virgo constellation and only seven days over the Scorpio constellation. However, to create the zodiac, the Babylonians chose to ignore this aspect, giving each “slice” the same amount of time and eliminating one from the map.

In addition, the space agency further explained that over the 3, 000 years since the Zodiac was invented by the Babylonians, due to the variation in the inclination of the earth's axis, more specifically in the North Pole, the constellations are not in the same place as the Zodiac. in the old days.

Things have changed, guys!

Therefore, those born between 23 and July and 22 August, instead of being from Leo (according to the Babylonian zodiac), should have their sign updated to Cancer. Not to mention that if we were to distribute things correctly, the Ophiuchus constellation would be given 18 days of the year - from November 30 to December 17. However, it is noteworthy that this whole explanation of NASA was only for the sake of curiosity. That simple!

Heavenly confusion

According to Bec Alert Crew of Science Alert, the confusion over the alleged update on the zodiac began after some international publications - including Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan and Yahoo News - decided to disclose which signs had changed and blamed NASA! By the way, according to these portals, the current zodiacal correspondence is supposed to be:

  • Capricorn: Between January 20th and February 16th
  • Aquarium: between February 16th and March 11th
  • Fish: Between March 11 and April 18
  • Aries: April 18th through May 13th
  • Taurus: May 13-June 21
  • Gemini: June 21 - July 20
  • Cancer: Between July 20 and August 10
  • Lion: Between August 10th and September 16th
  • Virgin: From September 16th to October 30th
  • Pound: Between October 30th and November 23rd
  • Scorpio: November 23-29
  • Ophiuchus: November 29th through December 17th
  • Sagittarius: Between December 17th and January 20th

However, despite the confusion that arose between horoscope followers and zodiac prediction fans, the poor NASA ended up blaming it with nothing to do with the updates. Even because no change has happened! Everything goes exactly as it was - millennia, by the way! - and no one will have to adopt a new sign.