Debut of DC Comics' new adult label shows Batman's penis

DC Comics launched today (19) the first edition of its new adult label, the Black Label. “Batman: Damned” # 1, by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo, brings together Batman and street wizard John Constantine to investigate the inexplicable death of the Joker. It turns out that the issue ended up becoming more famous for something else ... Batman's penis.

That's right. In one of the sequences shown by Bermejo's realistic design, you can see Bruce Wayne's frontal nude and clearly can see the hero's limb, even in dim light, in the shadows of the Batcave. See below, on your own.

The first part of the miniseries in three editions is already being distributed - that is, you can't hide it anymore - and a lot of people have been making waves of it on the web. There are people already joking about the first Robin, who has the suggestive nickname of Dick. Well, controversial or not, the Black Labels label has already made a noise.



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