Hawk threatens employee to defend nest in telephone tower

If you thought that the staff responsible for maintaining the telephone towers only had to worry about issues such as height or not "playing" with the wrong wires, be aware that these professionals are sometimes forced to face unforeseen events beyond that. In the case of the video you are going to watch next, the poor worker had to endure a hawk brushing over his head. Check out:

The movie was posted on YouTube and, according to an open discussion on reddit, the bird was trying to defend a nest high up in the tower. According to the report, the worker noticed the animal's presence while climbing the tower, but only realized that he was under attack when he felt a rasping over his head. It was then that the boy - scared to death - decided to capture the images above.

Later, another employee - more bully - decided to climb the tower to finish the job, this time targeting three hawks, which launched attacks in pairs and from different angles. Summary of the story: Whatever problem the workers had to solve, it apparently went unresolved, while the tower remained under bird control.