Boy devours 100 marshmallows in just over 2 minutes [video]

Matt Stonie is practically an ostrich - after all, the boy eats everything he sees ahead in record time. After appearing on our list of the world's biggest eaters and still showing how to drink 2 liters of soda at one time, he comes back with a new challenge.

This time, the young man's target is Peeps - colorful pet-shaped marshmallows that are sold in the United States and gain even more popularity over Easter. So since the time was right, Matt Stonie decided to swallow a hundred of those colorful goodies in two minutes.

As always, watching the video of the boy sending the candy - and a great deal of water - inside is distressing. In the end, he can meet the challenge but does not reach the time mark he expected. Will any other madman take advantage of the spirit of Easter to try to overcome the boy?

Check out the video and have a great Easter!