See 6 shameful things we all do and the explanations for that

If no one has ever said this before: You are a human being, a person, an intelligent animal who can think, thrill, and post photos on Instagram. That is what you are. You lie from time to time and say you love that book of Dostoevsky; you walk down the street thinking about what you need to do and suddenly realize that you are talking to yourself; You program your cell phone snooze to ensure another 5 minutes of sleep and you lose your time every day. It is.

You're a human being, but every once in a while you feel ashamed of being a human, have you noticed? From time to time you repress yourself when you realize that you are doing something that anyone in the world does as well. And science is keeping an eye on it. So stop paranoia and understand why you do some things that you find shameful:

1 - Speak to yourself

Image Source: Reproduction / productiveandorganized

Who never? You do something meaningless and, without even noticing, you are cursing yourself - and out loud. If someone is by your side, you start to feel really crazy and the person who listened to you may even find it funny, but they do too.

The next time you feel bad about being caught talking to yourself, tell the stranger around you that Science has proven that people who speak for themselves perform better in school. Of course the person may think you are even crazier, but the information is true. Talking alone means the person is focused and alert.

2 - Repeat stories

Image Source: Reproduction / Hopeafterabortion

Your friends may start to find it boring when you start telling the same story, but they don't know that science has proven that it is very easy to remember that a story was told and much harder to remember to whom the story was told. No paranoia, so please. Sometimes you are not even repetitive; Just forget who told the gossip of the day.

3 - Tear down the phone in the toilet

Image Source: Reproduction / fancyasnuggle

Let's face it, dropping your smartphone shouldn't even be considered embarrassing, right? In times when everyone is all the time with a cellphone in hand, the likelihood of seeing someone tipping their toy is always quite high.

What seems most embarrassing is dropping a cell phone in the toilet, but research indicates that one in five people have already dropped their cell phone in the coolest place. At this point in the championship we need to get back to the idea that people use their cell phones at all times - really - and that's it, and that's all, which makes many handsets lose themselves so cruelly. Enough of shame. It happens.

4 - Yes, I read that book

Image Source: Reproduction / Optimists

"I saw that movie, I know that band." The point here is that we all have a need to look smart every once in a while, and to do that, we sometimes turn to the little lie. One of the most watched movies - only not, if you understand it - is the "Godfather" trilogy, which many people love, comment on and recommend. Without even knowing what the script is.

5 - Pull or push?

Image Source: Reproduction / Gazette24 hours

You walk confidently toward the convenience store door of that post near your house and push the door that only works when pulled. Of course you think of disappearing, and from time to time you even pretend to answer your phone and start forging a conversation to go unnoticed. Rest assured, this is a problem that affects everyone.

6 - Singing Wrong

Image Source: Reproduction / Nochuveiro

“In the early hours of the record player rolling a blues, changing bikini without stopping” or “desert yellow and its fears” are big wrong classics in the head and gogo of many people. The fact is that when we talk to someone, we understand what that person says thanks to his lip movements and, of course, the sound it makes.

In music, we lose this eye contact and, if we get it wrong, we keep the lyrics in that way, because it's easier to remember something musicalized than simply spoken. So rest assured, you're not the only one.

* Originally posted 12/12/2013 .


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