Twenty years ago Brazil was introduced to the Varginha ET; remember the case

January 20, 1996: Reports report that an unidentified object fell in Varginha, Minas Gerais, and two extraterrestrial creatures were reported to have been captured, still alive, by the military. Dozens of people say they witnessed the incident, including army officials who witnessed the alleged autopsy at a city hospital. Even so, the government denies any question on the matter.

Turning 20 years old this week, one of the best known and studied UFO cases in the world took place in a small industrial city in Brazil. Researchers continue to point to evidence that would show that the Brazilian government and military hide the truth behind the incident. Follow both sides of the story.

The UFO Fall

A documentary about the "Varginha ET" was produced by a team from the Discovery Channel television channel. It reports that on the night of January 19, 1996, an American spy satellite detected an unidentified object entering Earth's atmosphere. The defense system would have alerted the Brazilian government that the UFO would be heading for Varginha, Minhas Gerais. Immediately, the military authorities at the Three Hearts base would have been on full alert, heading for the city.

At dawn, some residents report that they woke up frightened by the noise of running animals, and as they went to the window, they saw a flying object flying over the cigar-shaped area that seemed to be on fire.

On the morning of the 20th, the fire department received an anonymous call from someone claiming to have seen a strange creature in the city. Arriving at the scene, just five minutes after the call, firefighters were surprised to find the army. Eleven people claim to have seen the moment when the officials captured the creature in the woods.

That afternoon, sisters Katia, Liliane, and Valkyrie returned from work and decided to take a shortcut to get home faster. As they passed a wasteland, they would have spotted a strange creature who seemed to be suffering greatly. According to the sisters, the being was brown and its skin appeared to be soft; his eyes were large and red and his shoulders had bulging veins. Soon the girls' report would be known throughout the city.

The sisters Katia, Liliane and Valkyrie where they saw the alleged ET

To further heighten the fear of the population, a military police officer who was to be involved in the incident, Marco Eli Chereze, died and his family was advised to bury the body immediately without a wake. Tests on the officer showed that Marco had 8% of unknown toxic substances in his body. According to the interview in the documentary with Marta, the officer's sister, the family filed a lawsuit against the military and requested the exhumation of the young man's body. She believes the officer died after touching the alien during the capture.

Death of Officer Marco Eli Chereze Raised Suspicion

Another curious situation was the death of five animals in the local zoo. According to Leila Cabral, biologist and director of the site, all were healthy and died overnight without any explanation.

What do the military say about the case?

Since the subject became public, UFO researchers, TV crews, and even members of the international press have come to town to cover what has become one of the most amazing cases of immediate contact the world has ever heard of.

During a visit to the corporation, the Discovery Channel team got an exclusive interview with a military man who commented on the official version of the case. According to the statement, on January 20, it was raining very hard in the city of Varginha and the officers took the trucks of the corporation for a review, so the large movement of official cars in the city. At the hospital, a dwarf couple awaited the moment of childbirth, which would coincide with the story of ESA (School of Sergeants of Arms) having picked up the creature, placed it in the truck and taken to the Varginha Hospital. What people believed to be two aliens were just the dwarf couple at the scene.

Official release rules out alien capture

Also, because of the storm, what the three sisters claimed to have seen was just another dwarf who has mental problems and was dirty and injured on the vacant lot. According to the officer, "If we look at this gentleman, he really has an appearance that causes us even some embarrassment and distress, for he has some physical deformity and dark skin."

You can watch the testimonial here:

A while later, the true identity of the gentleman mentioned in the statement was discovered: this is 34-year-old Luiz Antônio de Paula. According to Vitório Pacaccini, one of the main investigators of the case, comparing Luiz to what the three sisters saw is an intelligence offense.

“He has some mental disability but is not deformed. He knows how to eat everything himself, sleep in his bed [never sleeps on the street], take a shower, use the toilet, ask - by gestures - a number of things and has a sense of humor, ”says Vitório.

Moreover, according to him, being a known man in the city, the three sisters knew of his existence and could not confuse the boy with a creature from another planet.

Image made according to the testimony of the sisters and record by Luiz Antônio de Paula

In the Military Police Inquiry, on page 334, there is the following record:

“According to the constant testimony to Fl Nr 219, from the Commander of the 24th Military Police Battalion, based in that City, the heavy rain and the strong wind caused several calls from the firefighters in that region, and no request for seizure of animals or strange creature that day. The deponent showed to this person the photographs attached to the present file to Fl Nr 261, of a citizen known as “Mudinho”, who probably presents some mental deviation and whose physical characteristics could later be evidenced in the simulation photographic study carried out in Section As shown in the following file in this case at Fl Nr 322 to 327. Such evidence therefore makes it more likely that this citizen, being probably dirty due to heavy rains, is crouching next to a wall, has been mistaken by three terrified girls as a 'space creature' ”.

On the death of officer Marco Eli Cherese, the commander of the 24th Varginha Military Police Battalion Mauricio Antonio Santos says that the military man had a cyst under his left armpit and, after the surgical procedure to remove it, died due to an infection. hospital


  • Ufologist and writer Marco Antônio Petit, who is also co-editor of UFO magazine, launched last year the book "Varginha - All Truth Revealed." According to him, the work reports details still unknown to the general population and makes a complaint about the military police inquiry, which would have covered important facts about the case.

  • Researcher Vitório Pacaccini said he had an interview with a military man who claimed to be involved in the capture of the alien. According to the report, on January 22, three trucks left ESA and left for Varginha. They would have come across a strange creature on a sidewalk, captured her and put her in the truck. The organism would have arrived lifeless at the hospital. After hours of examination, the creature would have been safely transported to the ESA base, where the next day it was sent to the Cadets School in Campinas and later to Unicamp, where there are two access laboratories. restricted.

  • Twenty years after the event, the three sisters reported that they were persuaded to change the statement. “Four men came home offering us money to belie the story. I don't know who they were, but we were afraid for a long time. Even so, we don't deny it, ”says Valkyrie.

  • The Varginha incident is sometimes referred to as a "Brazilian Roswell, " similar to the US case, which involved a crashing UFO, extraterrestrials, and secrets hidden by the government.

  • If you go to the city, you can take pictures with some references to the historical case, such as the aliens statues and the spaceships.

Twenty years ago Brazil was introduced to the Varginha ET; remember the case

Twenty years ago Brazil was introduced to the Varginha ET; remember the case

Twenty years ago Brazil was introduced to the Varginha ET; remember the case

Twenty years ago Brazil was introduced to the Varginha ET; remember the case

Twenty years ago Brazil was introduced to the Varginha ET; remember the case

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