Man finds 100-year-old cake from his grandparents' wedding

It is quite common to see huge cakes on birthdays and weddings. Even if each one gets a slice, the floors are so many that there is always a part left for the party owner to take home. But have you ever imagined finding your grandparents' wedding cake that happened 100 years ago?

Ronald Warninger went to tidy up his garage when he came across the relic. It is truly impressive that a cake made for the celebration on March 17, 1915 is still preserved.

What happened was that Ronald's grandparents decided to save the top layer of candy for their first wedding anniversary. However, they did not taste the delicacy, which remained in the freezer until the 1950s.

Ronald remembers that during childhood there was a box in the freezer, but did not know that this was the cake that had been given to his parents.

One day, his sister suggested that he find the cake and send a photo to the newspapers. But he was gone! Only this year, when Ronald retired, did he set up the family garage and found the relic on a shelf.

Ronald also found his grandmother's mink hat, period cards, and a book where she kept poems and messages she had received from her friends. Surprisingly, one of the messages quotes the cake and says, "Remember me on your wedding day and send me a slice of cake."

Ronald says he plans to pass the cake to his children and believes it will last another 100 years.

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