Japanese create non-melting ice cream

The history of ice cream has several possibilities: some claim that dessert came in King Solomon's time around 900 BC, others believe that the first inventor was Alexander the Great in the mid-300s; however, it was the Tang Dynasty Chinese (AD 681-907) who mixed milk into the formula. Since then, humanity has enjoyed the delicacy and has suffered from a serious problem: melting.

Fortunately, this misfortune may be close in the past, as a group of Japanese scientists claim to have invented a non-melting ice cream! The Biotherapy Development Research Center, located in Kanazawa, 470 km from Tokyo, decided to mix the liquid polyphenol found in the strawberries into the formula and came to the result by chance.

These substances are present in many plants and usually create defenses against ultraviolet radiation; However, many people have seen polyphenols as a source of nutrition and health benefits. But the discovery that they can help ice cream not melt happened unintentionally because the study was being different: when Japan was affected by the earthquake and tsunami of 2011, many strawberry farmers were hit as the crowd got scared. of its fruits are contaminated by the radiation leaked from the Fukushima Plant.

New has been approved

To try to help these farmers, scientists encouraged a chef to create recipes with strawberry polyphenol. Since the guy specializes in confectionery, he mixed the substance into his masses, noting that they solidified immediately! This information reached the ears of pharmacist Tomihisa Ota, who thought it might benefit the foods that usually melt.

And the news is already on the market: even the 28 degree Celsius heat you've been doing in Kanazawa is unable to make the ice cream melt. It is said that the novelty can withstand even the hot steam of hair dryers for a long time! Truth be told, did you feel like proving it?

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