Labrador who performed in Mariana becomes the first lifeguard dog in Brazil

Those who go to Cabeçudas beach, in Itajaí (SC), must have seen a different lifeguard: furry and quadrupedal. He is Ice, the first dog to have this role in Brazil, who has been working since January - so much so that he was recognized by RankBrasil and entered the national record book.

According to Thiago Evandro Amorim, a fire brigade soldier who acts as dog handler, in a situation where two lifeguards are present at the post and three people are dragged across the sea, both of them moving to rescue two victims. “Ice comes in as a reinforcement, taking a buoy to the third person, keeping it safe until a human lifeguard arrives, ” he explains.

The dog acts from 15h to 20h, interspersing a working day with two resting. According to the soldier, this system happens to ensure the health of Ice. “We don't take him to extreme wear, we make the activity very pleasurable for him, ” he comments. Throughout his shift, Ice has water available, and every 45 minutes he is taken to meet his needs in a suitable location.

Ice assists the lifeguards at Cabeçudas beach

Rescue in Mariana

Amorim says the Lifeguard Dog project emerged during research on similar work done in European countries, such as an aquatic rescue school in Italy, where dogs are trained to reinforce the coast guard staff in ocean operations.

Since his second month of life, Ice has been trained to become a search dog. In early 2016, he began training as a lifeguard. The dog has certifications governed by the International Rescue Organization (IRO), which is responsible for the dog search service's guidelines worldwide and for developing the certification evidence necessary for the dual man / dog to perform this activity at real level occurrences. World Cup - Ice scored the highest.

Previously, the labrador was called to act in Mariana (MG), in the location of victims of the burial that devastated the city in 2015. “During the work, he indicated several regions where there were people buried, unfortunately already dead, but certainly so. it was possible to contribute to bring a minimum of consolation to family members, ”says Thiago.

The labrador also sought victims in the Mariana district of Bento Rodrigues in the tragedy of the dam rupture

Ice also participates in the Cynotherapy Project, in which he has contact with patients, family and staff of Marieta Konder Borhaussen Hospital and Maternity, bringing a little joy and comfort to everyone.