Largest june gang in Brazil has 885 couples

The city of Campina Grande, Paraíba, once again surpassed the Brazilian record of the largest June gang. The typical dance took place on June 14, 2017 and was attended by 885 couples, including children, adults, seniors, special people and members of official gangs. The challenge was held at People's Park during The Largest St. John of the World.

Luciano Cadari, of RankBrasil, which officialized the brand, recalls that the municipality obtained the title for the first time in 2013, exceeding the record in all subsequent years. “It is a pleasure to follow the event all these years and witness the evolution in this period, especially in relation to the number of participants and the organization, ” he says.

Record is set annually since 2013

The quadrillion is promoted by the Municipality's Tourism Coordination, in partnership with the Sports and Leisure, Health, Culture, Social Work and Education departments, in addition to having the support of the Juninas Gang Association. Typical dance is a tradition in Campina Grande, being performed for over 40 years.

This year, the Biggest St. John of the World takes place between June 2nd and July 2nd. The traditional event attracts about two million tourists annually. Among the attractions are festival of gangs, music shows and stalls of local merchants for the appreciation of gastronomy.

* Via advisory


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