Mega Women: Hel Mother

I'm not a mom yet, but my favorite YouTube channel is Hel Mother, created by Helen Ramos, who talks about motherhood without seeming to be using an Instagram filter all the time.

Since it's been on the air a few months ago, the Hel Mother channel has gotten over 62, 000 subscriptions and its videos have been viewed nearly 2 million times. The idea of ​​talking about “motherhood without a child” has a lot to do with the social criticism that every mother, first time or not, faces.

In its first video, youtuber talks about typical family judgments directed at women who have young children. In fact, if you look closely, it's easy to see that every aunt, every uncle, every cousin, and every cousin has a right way of raising children and they often share the recipe, ignoring the fact that each family structure is unique and end of conversation. .

She questions, for example, that she is always judged but never helped by family members. From there, Helen releases the verb and even criticizes the fact that "not being able", for example, go out with friends on weekends without listening to sermon.

Imperfect Human Mother's Manual

Against any judgment, Helen encourages mothers to help each other and explains why fights are not bought, a key factor in respecting decisions about gestation style, choice of delivery, breastfeeding ... Each mother will educate your child your way.

The videos are released weekly, and each of them brings a different reflection on issues beyond motherhood, such as love relationships, sexuality, gender and sexual orientation issues, family reunions, machismo, racism and whatever else on the roof of this talking youtuber. a lot and speak well.

We started the week talking about Maria Clara Araújo, a trans woman whose LGBT activism fills us with pride, admiration and hope. Then we discuss the importance of Elza Soares' last album. Now we end the series with yet another example of a woman who has made a difference in some way.


With her work, Helen reminds us weekly that motherhood is not just a mother's relationship with her baby - good if it was! Motherhood, in social terms, is a way of demanding from a woman behavior that is sometimes not what she wants to have.

We need to understand that there are married moms, solo moms, working moms, non-working moms, lesbian moms, ballading moms, cooking moms, cooking hating moms, cute moms, practical moms, fat moms, skinny moms. Mothers

Once it is clear that each woman is a different mother, respect comes almost naturally, and gradually we stop taking care of others, cheating when we are not called, making inappropriate comments. Maybe we'll even get to the point of calling that woman who has children one day and asking if she needs help. The cool thing about Hel Mother is that with a good mood and a bit of acidity, she makes us understand the obvious: being a mother is beautiful, but sometimes it gets tired. And it's okay, motherhood is really imperfection.