UFO is caught in California skies as it ejects ... something [video]

An unidentified flying object (UFO) was recently spotted by an amateur cameraman in the skies of the state of California. Although the image initially suggests some celestial body passing near Earth, there is at least one detail that puzzled many people: at a given moment, a second object is ejected, which takes a direction that excludes more typical explanations of the phenomenon. . And then, of course, come the theories.

In fact, the folks at Sploid have put together a number of plausible explanations for the phenomenon. These range from the scientifically obvious to the potentially lunatic and finally to the imminently skeptical - someone may have simply manipulated the image after all. Check out the bets and their theoretical explanations below.

Would it be a meteor?

On the night the mysterious object was observed, the so-called quadrantids peaked. This is a meteor shower that occurs whenever the earth crosses the remains of a comet or a planetoid observed half a century ago. That way, the bet would even be quite reasonable ... Were it not for speed.

As the site points out, a meteor would cross the Earth's atmosphere at a much faster rate than the object in the movie. It is true that these bodies explode as they enter the earth's atmosphere. However, the result is somewhat different from that recorded by the cameraman. Check out a NASA video below where a meteor comes in contact with the earth's atmosphere.

In addition, there is also one more question: “What about the ejected orb?” Okay, it is true that this could be explained by an anomaly originating from the angle at which the footage was taken. But that still seems a little unlikely.

A satellite or a reentry ship?

It may also be that there is some object of human manufacture in the process of reentry into the earth's atmosphere. Speed, after all, seems to support this theory - although if it is a military artifact, its nature is most likely never to be revealed.

Nevertheless, Sploid points out that the effect observed during the Columbia ship crash is not very similar to that of the California registered object - especially as regards the "ball" that is expelled during what appears to be an explosion.

Again, this could well be the case with an anomaly justified by the filming angle. And to go a little further: the ejected orb could be a movie, designed to be expelled right back to Earth, just as it was with military satellites during the 1980s.

An anti-ballistic system under test?

Here is one more bet on the origin of the UFO: it could be a defense system against intercontinental projectiles in the testing phase - or even some other "Beta phase" military contraption. After all, the US recently announced that they would conduct similar tests.

However, again, the way the second object is expelled does not look much like this type of weaponry - as shown in the video above from a recent Russian test.

An alien?

Okay, that's the kind of bet that even the most skeptical of guys at least consider - if only to expel their thoughts faster than the UFO with the orb did. It's hard to ignore anyway.

Manipulation via CGI?

Yes, the whole thing may have been nothing but computer aided image manipulation. After all, today's technologies are certainly capable of creating incredibly believable "supernatural" feats - which would probably have dramatically changed things at the time of the infamous Roswell Case.