Dad gets help with interesting facts to tell daughter before bed

Every parent knows how their children's curiosity seems to be endless, especially at bedtime, the famous "Dad, tell me a story?" Traditional stories do not always appeal to children, who are more passionate about discovering interesting things. So, desperate for new interesting facts that could entertain his daughter, a father asked for help and asked people to share curious and interesting information with him. The result? The post generated over 20, 500 comments with interesting and curious facts about what your mind can imagine. We bet many of these facts here are "new" even to big people. Check out 15 of the facts sent to this desperate daddy.

1) Tarantulas and their “pet” frogs

Some tarantula species have small "pet" frogs in their burrows. They leave them in their burrows to keep the place free of small insects, so small that they are not fit for them but can eat their eggs.

Source: Emanuele Biggi /

2) Sea otters have restless sleep

People often talk or snore in their sleep, while sea otters have a habit of shaking their hands in their sleep. Plus, they have a favorite stone they love to pick up and carry.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

3) Hard turtle in the fall

The giant tortoise Adwaita, which died in 2006, died with more years of life than the United States. She was born even before the American nation existed in 1750.


Fonta: Paul Morris

4) Dogs find you by smell

That dogs are great sniffers is nothing new. But, they "feel" when you are coming home! You may have already seen a puppy standing in the doorway or gate, watching exactly for the street you are coming from. Well, they understand your daily routine and know when you will get home because of your smell.


Source: Unsplash

5) Best Friends Forever

It's not just you who has that inseparable friend, no. Cows also have best friends and can be very stressed if they are separated.


Source: Unsplash

6) Different poop

The Australian badger is, let's say, different. He poops in cubic form.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

7) Official Unicorns

The official animal of Scotland is not even an animal ... it is the unicorn.


Source: Unsplash

8) Cats are expressive

When you see a cat walking towards you with its tail up, be happy, it means the pussy likes you and is happy to see you.


Source: Unsplash

9) University antigone

The University of Oxford in England is not for nothing traditional. She is older than the Aztec Empire.


Source: Unsplash

10) Or eggs or belly buttons

Egg-laying animals do not have navels.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

11) Light elephants?

Most elephants do not reach the weight of a blue whale's tongue.


Source: Unsplash

12) Purring is good for health

Cat lovers, unite. It is scientifically proven that the frequency of the famous purr of cats improves bone density.


Source: Unsplash

13) Bank without money

In Italy there is a bank where transactions are made exclusively with Parmesan cheese.


Source: iStock

14) Pineapples were too expensive

If today pineapples are cheap and affordable, it has not always been so. The fruit was so expensive that people rented pineapples to use as centerpieces at their parties.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

15) No reverse gear

Kangaroos simply cannot walk backwards.


Source: Unsplash