HIV positive father succeeds on the internet by posting family photo without HIV

When Andrew Pulsipher was born almost 34 years ago, AIDS was a nearly fatal disease. Normally, people discovered immunodeficiency syndrome when it was already in advanced stages, making any kind of treatment difficult. Death was a matter of months - and in some cases weeks or even days.

But this is not a sad story. This is one of those stories that motivate us to be more aware. To be more positive. And to have faith that humanity still has salvation. Andrew is HIV positive, but that didn't stop him from getting married, having children, and being happy. Best of all, it didn't transmit the virus to anyone.

Andrew's family: only he is HIV positive

Andrew lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and posted the photo above on May 10th. The image, unlike HIV in his body, went viral - pardoning the pun. To date, nearly 13, 000 people have shared the original post and thousands more have spread the news in the American newspapers.


The boy says that in October will complete 10 years of marriage with Victoria. They have three children, ages 1 to 5 years. The first daughter is the result of a fertilization treatment, the other two were naturally conceived.

This was only possible through antiretroviral treatments, which brought the amount of HIV virus in Andrew's body to undetectable levels. That is, although Andrew is HIV positive, he has few copies of the virus in his blood and the rate of transmission of the disease in these cases is only 1%.

Andrew is an owl father of three children born free of the virus.

"Of course, the virus is still there, hidden in some cells and that is how it can gain resistance, " he told the Huffington Post. In his original publication, Andrew says he believes he is one of the longest-living people in the body, since he was born with HIV. His father died when he was only four, his mother was gone when he was eight. Both as a result of AIDS.


After their parents died, Andrew and his brothers moved into their uncles' house. Since they had four children, the family was huge - but only Andrew was HIV positive in all the people. But that was never a taboo. Although few people beyond the new family know of Andrew's condition, he was raised as a normal child.

When he met Victoria, it took him a while to have the courage to tell her his condition. “I thought I could get infected too, but that was OK for me since I loved him and wanted to be with him, ” explained Victoria.

“I know that HIV has a negative stigma, but it doesn't have to. I want to help change that. It is a treatable disease and you can live a normal life with it, ”published Andrew.

Andrew's photo: "HIV - The virus that causes life"

Via InAbstract