Lego Prosthesis: turtle had casters implanted in shell

A small turtle named “Blade” had three Lego wheels implanted in its shell to facilitate its movement. The pet had a number of health problems, including worms and a growth disorder in its legs. This left the animal weak and troubled when walking. The owner took him to the vet, and the professional suggested using the training wheels.

These three elements were glued to the bottom hull and are part of a temporary solution. The turtle can still move by dragging its feet on the ground, but it no longer has to support its own weight.

Lego Prosthesis: turtle had casters implanted in shell

Lego Prosthesis: turtle had casters implanted in shell

Lego Prosthesis: turtle had casters implanted in shell

Lego Prosthesis: turtle had casters implanted in shell

In an interview with Yahoo! News, the veterinarian who attended the animal, Dr. Carsten Plischke, said animals with mobility problems had a harder time getting around than humans. "For people, there are walkers or prosthetics, but for animals, there is no company that produces something like that, " he said.