How many nuclear bombs does it take to wipe out planet Earth?

How many bombs would destroy our planet? (Image source: Reproduction / Maximilian Bode)

Do you live in a big city? Have you ever wondered if an atomic bomb is enough to decimate your home and everything around? And how many are needed to end the earth or the moon?

This was the calculation of graphic designer Maximilian Bode. What he did was create various infographics showing the total number of these terrible weapons that would be used to wipe out some of the major cities of the United States, to wipe out the entire country or even to wipe out the planet.

Bode's idea was to create comparisons, bringing the destructive power of some of the most famous atomic bombs ever created by mankind, from Little Boy, known to have been used in World War II, to Tzar Bomb, the most powerful developed to date. today.

Gizmodo brings all the images created by the designer. Here you can find some small comparative information, such as the bomb's destructive power and the range of each blast. In addition, they also show how many would be needed to blow up New York City, the moon or the earth.

Although calculations show that it would take nearly 16, 000 Tsar Bombs to wipe out our planet, Maximilian believes that much less of this terrible material would be capable of wiping out the human race.

How many nuclear bombs does it take to wipe out planet Earth?

How many nuclear bombs does it take to wipe out planet Earth?

How many nuclear bombs does it take to wipe out planet Earth?

How many nuclear bombs does it take to wipe out planet Earth?

How many nuclear bombs does it take to wipe out planet Earth?

How many nuclear bombs does it take to wipe out planet Earth?