Want to learn to like your own body better? Science teaches!

We do not always feel good about the image we see in the mirror. This discontent has much to do with social demands regarding what is and isn't considered beautiful, even though beauty is a subjective concept.

Even those people who fit today's beauty standards are sometimes not feeling really secure about their appearance. Columnist Eric Barker, who writes for Time magazine, has published a text answering a question that is of general interest: how to have a better relationship with one's own image? The answer, which he gives us based on scientific research, can make you a little irritated: doing physical activities.

Yeah. You've heard it before, we know. The truth is that physical exercise, besides bringing benefits to your health also seems to do well for your psychological. Playing a sport that suits you is a great way to start feeling better about your own body, even if you haven't lost weight or grown much as a sportsman.

To arrive at this obvious answer that drives a lot of people crazy, a group of researchers evaluated 16 men and 18 women in an experiment on self-image. For the study, the volunteers did physical activities and reading exercises, and each activity was performed for 40 minutes.

In neither condition did participants have changes in their physical form or weight. Still, aspects related to self-image improved after the activities - no changes occurred after reading.

It helps us try to see self-image issues in different ways, after all, if nothing changes and yet people feel better, the question really seems to have a lot to do with how we feel rather than just how we feel. We really are. Maybe that was the stimulus you were hoping to finally apply for at the gym.

* Posted on 10/05/2015


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