Did you hear that? This meteorite used as a door weight is worth a fortune.

Think about it with us: If every time a meteorite collides with Earth, search teams are formed that scour the area for fragments, and if NASA and other space agencies are investing billions in missions focused on space rock mining, It's a sign that these celestial bodies must have some added value, isn't it?

So ... A guy from the United States must have followed a similar line of reasoning, as he recently decided to look for University of Michigan experts with a 10-pound boulder and a rather bland look on his hands. Look:


(Time / Mackenzie Brockman / Central Michigan University)

Stone Shaped Fortune

The identity of the person was not informed, but it turns out that the man in question showed the artifact to geology teacher Mona Sirbescu - who identified the item as a meteorite. The object was valued at about $ 100, 000 (close to $ 380, 000 only!). Now, the best part of the story: the "stone" had been used as a simple door weight for years.

But what led the man to think he could have a pile of money in the shape of a boulder at home? This guy - who lives on a small rural property - said he bought the place in 1988 from a farmer who, in turn, showed him the piece. This gentleman revealed that she had been with her family since the 1930s, when she "fell" from the sky, making a fuss and creating a huge crater on the ground.

Michigan man has discovers that what he's been using as a doorstop for decades is actually a meteorite worth $ 100, 000. https://t.co/w6ID3UN3SC #odd

- AP Oddities (@AP_Oddities) October 6, 2018

Because of how the boulder ended up on the property, the farmer decided to keep it for all this time - and put it to use as a doorweight! Then, when the property was sold, the gentleman told the anecdote of the object and decided to give it to the new owner toast. Since 1988, the man sold the farm to someone else, but luckily decided to keep the stone and also use it to hold the door of the house.

In the end, it was 30 years before the guy decided to look at the boulder more closely! According to analyzes conducted at the university, the meteorite composition consists of 88.5% iron and 11.5% nickel - and, as we said earlier, is worth a small fortune! Have you ever thought of coming across such a pebble in your backyard?


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